Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday- Built

So since we did so well all trip saving up money I decided to splurge on this trip. On Tuesday we brought a day ticket that allowed to us to visit Canopy Walkway, Moso’s Footprint, and the House of rock. The surprise was it was on another island that the only way we could get there was by boat or helicopter. Well, we woke up at 5am on Tuesday morning caught a taxi ride to a dock where we all loaded into a helicopter and flew for about 30 minutes to our destination of Falealupo, Savaii. The helicopter ride was absolutely breathtaking and a lot of fun talking on the walkie talkies they provided us with. Once we landed a tour bus got us and took us on a short ride through a rain forest type area and we arrived at the Canaopy Walkway (our first adventure of the day). We went directly to the information Centre and got our day passes and put all of our things in a locker. We walked through a rainforest preserve for a few minutes until we arrived at a huge canopy across a hanging bridge between two big tropical trees. It was quiet an adventure to walk on and my fear of heights definitely kicked in. Once we accomplished the task of crossing the bridge (even though I would definitely not consider it to be a bridge- way to wobbly) we went and got our stuff out of our locker and jumped on the free ride that took us to our next stop, Moso’s footprint. Moso’s footprint is a huge indention in the ground that looks like a footprint. It was really cool to see but once we got there and took a few pictures we were ready to move on. We got on the first bus and head to our last adventure was to this place called House of Rock. It is this cave that apparently these two women made a house out of. It was apparently a race between two women and two men to see who could build a house faster and the women won by creating this “House of Rock” It was really cool to go in a take pictures. There were a lot of pretty rocks and stones throughout. After we finished here we took the bus back to the Information Centre and spent the rest of the afternoon swimming in the pool and eating lunch at the cafĂ© they had there. We all had grilled beef and fries. We met a lot of people and around 5pm we got back on the bus that took us to the dock to get back on the helicopter to fly home.

Taxi to Dock (roundtrip)- 130 Samoan Tala – 55 USD

$55.00 x 5 = $275.00

Helicopter Ride (roundtrip)- 535 Samoan Tala- 225.72 USD

$225.72 x 5 = $1128.60

Day passes- 83 Samoan Tala- 35 USD

$35.00 x 5 = $175.00

Lunch- 26 Samoan Tala- 11 USD

$11.00 x 5 = $55.00

T-Shirt Souvenirs- 41 Samoan Tala- 17.4 USD

$17.4 x 5 = $87.00

Total: $275.00 + $1128.60 + $175.00 + $55.00 + $87.00= $1720.60

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