Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Monday's Natural Site: LaoDong Park

Today, I was in charge of taking us to a natural site. We decided to go to LaoDong Park. We were really lucky at it was only 800 yards from out hotel, so we just walked there. We had the option of walking up the mountain, or using a seat lift. We decided that we would use the seat lift up, and walk back down. From the seat lift we got to see how pretty the park was, and how tall the mountain really was. Once we finally got to the top, we went to the Reach Sightseeing Tower, where we went up even higher and got the most amazing view of the park. It was such a beautiful day and it was awesome to see everything from so high up. We stayed up there for quite a while. When we got ready to walk back down, we saw a sign for the "First Land Sled" which everybody said is the best and most exciting way to get down, so we decided to do that. I was a little scared at first, but it turned out to be awesome. The park also had a lot of other cool things like the world's largest football! There was skiing, but we decided we were too tired for that. They had rides for little kids, and we even saw one of the ride operators get arrested. They have a big problem there with ride operators try to daylight rob people with the prices of the rides. It was excitig to see the Chinese police in action. It started t get pretty dark, so we went back to the hotel, walking of course, and cooked dinner. Kristen and I decided to cook for everybody that night. We made chicken and rice, which was simple, but everybody seemed to really enjoy it. After that, we got ready for bed and went to sleep. It was a great day, and we ended up not having to spend any money! I think I'm getting pretty good at saving money after this trip.

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