Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thursday: Beach Day: Copacabana

Here we are heading to the beach again! We are lucky to have a great day with a 85 degree high! The boys bought new board shorts for riding the waves in! So, pair of shorts is $35 Real * 3 = 105 real total. The girls got new suits too! each of theirs was $30 real a piece, totaling 60 real. We walked to the beach and once we got there, we rented boards for the day to go out on the water. The total for the 5 of us was 150 real. We had so much fun riding the waves. Most of us knew how to ride the boards, but Alex and Kristen had a bit of trouble. Noah thought he saw a shark, but was probably just joking. For lunch, we had sandwich baskets. Each basket had either a turkey or roast beef sandwich and chips and a drink. The baskets cost 9 real a piece * 5 = 45 real. It was a pretty bright day, but we all had our sunscreen on in light of the sunburn MaryBeth got last time in Costa Rica. We turned back in the boards at the end of the day and walked back to hotel. Fun day had! Total for the day: 210 real = $118.38 USD

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